3. Biodata:
Dr. Abdul Malik Kamawi s/o Maulawi Abdul Ali Kamawi s/o the renowned scholar Maulawi Ghulam Nabi Kamawy was born in 1968 in Kama district of Nangarhar province in an academic and religious family. Kamawy completed his higher education in Law and Jurisprudence in Sharia faculty of Dawat-o-Jihad University in Pakistan. After that, he went to Al Azhar University and got his Masters and PhD in Law and Jurisprudence from the Sharia faculty of Al Azhar University in Cairo, Egypt.
Upon the establishment of the interim government based on the request of the Ministry of Justice he was appointed as the adviser for the Minister of Justice and has worked as the deputy secretary of the constitution commission and legal adviser for the chairman of the constitution Loya Jirga (grand council).
He was appointed as a legal adviser for the Joint Election Commission and in charge of the office for the candidates of the presidential election. In 2004, he was appointed as the General Administration Director of the Judiciary. He is a member of high council of the Supreme Court and holds judicial cadre grade of “Qazawatpoh”. In the year of (1391) (2012) the president office proposed as a member of high council .
Under his responsibility the Afghanistan Court Administration System (ACAS), Afghanistan’s new case information management system was jointly developed by the Supreme Court and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) in 2008. President Hamid Karzai on 20120514 nominated two members of the Supreme Court's High Council for a vote of confidence from the lower house of parliament. Former minister of justice, Mohammad Sarwar Danish, and Supreme Court's judicial officer Abdul Malik Kamavi have been named for the slots. Currently lawmakers were vetting the nominees’ documents for later appearence beefore Wolesi Jirga for a vote of confidence. Three members of the Supreme Court council completed their terms a year ago (2010), with the Wolesi Jirga repeatedly asking the president to introduce his picks for the judicial positions.(20120515)
Minister of Parliamentary Affairs, Hamayun Azizi, on 20120530 introduced former Afghan Minister of Justice Mohammad Sarwar Danish and administrator of Supreme Court, Dr Abdul Malik Kamowi, as members of the Supreme Court Council.
Wolesi Jirga endorsed the nomination of Kamavi. However, the lawmakers refused to give Danish a vote of trust. Kamavi found his way to the Supreme Court High Council by winning 120 votes. His nomination was opposed by 63 parliamentarians. Twelve votes were invalidated.(20120602) |