History and Biodata |
1. Former General directors of Azadi Printing Press: Ghulam Hassan Hazrati (20110109)
2. Previous Functions of Ghulam Hassan Hazrati: Head of Kabul Radio and Television RTA (20040115) Azadi Printing Press General director APP A.P.P. (2011)
3. Biodata:
Ghulam Hassan Hazrati was born 1961 in Kabul, Afghanistan. Following his graduation from the Faculty of Journalism, Kabul University in 1979, he took up the post of Secretary to the Director of Arts at the Ministry of Information an Culture. Between 1979 and 1995 Hazrati held various posts within RTA, mostly in the capacites of Deputy Director, in departments ranging from programme evaluation to research. Befor leaving Afghanistan for Pakistan in 1996 into self imposed exile, he was Deputy Director of Radio Afghanistan. In 2001 Hazrati was appointed Deputy Director and subsequently Director of Radio RTA. He was nominates for the post of Director General of RTA in December 2003. He has close ties with Information and Culture Minister Sayed Makdoom Raheen Rahin. Hazrati as Head of Kabul Radio and Television RTA was more liberal than his conservative predecessor Engineer Mohammad Ishaq (a key Northern Alliance member). Hazrati had previously been in charge of RTA’s radio section, which has broadcast female singers since the fall of the Taleban in 2001. Background: Azadi Printing Press is printing government dailies of the Kabul Time, Anis, Islah (Eslah) and Hewad. Government Azadi Printing Press, Azadi Printing House Mocrorayan #3 P.O.Box 1045 Kabul Afghanistan Tel: (+93-20) 2301342 Tel: (+93-70) 282508 Fax: (+93-20) 2301342 |