Afghan Biographies

Ghoryani, Nisar Ahmad Faizi Haji

Name Ghoryani, Nisar Ahmad Faizi Haji
Ethnic backgr. Tajik
Date of birth 1967
Function/Grade Ex Minister
History and Biodata

Haji Nisar Ahmad Faizi Ghoryani
Phone: 0799694481
2. Previous Functions:
Jihadi Commander with Ismael Khan,
Carpet Exporter to the USA (1992 - 1996),
Owner of Liberty Corporation Electric Company in Herat,
Candidate Wolesi Jirga Elections 2005,
Wolesi Jirga Member 2010 IEC replaced
Wolesi Jirga Candidate 2018 MP MNA Herat
Minister of Commerce and Industry MoCI  (20200831, 20201121)

3. Biodata:
Faizi_NisarNisar Faizi Ghoryani  Nesar Ahmad Ghuriani Nesar Ahmad Ghoryani, was born 1967 in Ghoryan District, Herat Province. He is the son of Faiz Mohammad Ghoryani from Herat province, who served as a Business man during the last years of Afghanistan’s monarchy. He completed his elementary education at the Enghelab School, and went on to graduate from Enghelab High School in 1986. (Other sources say from Ghoryani graduated from Dawat High school in Pakistan in 1985.) Ghoryani graduated from Ghulam Haidar Khan high school in 1982. BA in Business Administration.

The following year, he joined the Mujaheddin and served as the caretaker in charge of logistical affairs for the Herat province resistance front. It was there that Nisar Faizi became an advisor and close companion to Ismail Khan. During the fight against the Red army as a Jihadi Commander he was injured and finally went to the USA . From 1992 until 1996 he started business as exporter of Afghan carpet in Virginia, USA. After the Taliban’s retreat from Herat,  Nisar Faizi returned to Afghanistan and is the owner of Liberty Corporation Electric Company in Herat Province.

Ghoryani bagged most votes in Wolesi Jirga 2010 elections in Herat Province.

According to some locals, Nisar Ahmad Faizi Ghoryani, a candidate, was misusing his brother status as provincial director of power and energy in the election process. Abdul Raza Ghafuri, 31, said, “Faizi Ghoryani had promised villagers he would provide them electricity, if elected.” (20111204)

The Election Complaints Commission (ECC) on Sunday 20101024 disqualified him for not resigning from his official post on time,  so he was 20101121 delisted from Wolesi Jirga Election 2010 due to fraud. However he now will replace sitting Wolesi Jirga MNA MP Mohammad Rafiq Shahir after a Independent Election Commission Decision 20110821.

Commission (2012): Defense and Territorial Affairs

Nesar Ahmad Faizi Ghoryani received 7,612 votes in Wolesi Jirga 2018 election and did not get a seat in WJ 2018.

Nisar Ahmad Ghoryani was approved as minister of industry and commerce by winning 213 votes in favor, 23 votes against and 10 unmarked votes. (20201121) He is with Dr. Abdullah Abdullah.

Nisar Faizi is married and has two daughters and one son.

He is fluent in Dari, Pashtu, English.

Last Modified 2023-06-22
Established 2010-09-20