Afghan Biographies

Bromand, Sadia Mrs.

Name Bromand, Sadia Mrs.
Ethnic backgr. Pashtun
Date of birth 1995
Function/Grade Player at Afghanistan National boxing team & Journalist
History and Biodata

3. Biodata:
Mrs. Sadia Bromand was born 1995 in Afghanistan. Boxer in Super Flyweight Division. She was

the only Afghan boxer at the 2023 IBA Women’s World Championships in New Delhi.

Three years ago, Bromand left Afghanistan to train in Europe – her current base is in Berlin. During her time in Germany, the Taliban took control of her home country in 2021, and in doing so, exiled her from Afghanistan if she wished to continue her boxing dream.

“The reason why I left Afghanistan is because firstly of the Taliban and the second reason is because I am also a journalist in Afghanistan and female journalists are pretty much, you could say banned in Afghanistan,” Bromand said. The Taliban, she says, would have definitely harmed someone like her had they taken over the country before she left.

She migrated to Germany.

Last Modified 2024-03-05
Established 2023-03-19