Afghan Biographies

Islamyar, Noor Ahmad Sheikh

Name Islamyar, Noor Ahmad Sheikh
Ethnic backgr. Pashtun
Date of birth
Function/Grade Provincial Governor Herat
History and Biodata

1. Former Provincial Governor Herat: 
Ismael Khan (1992-1997) (2001 - 2004),
Sayed Mohammad Khairkhwa (20041202-20050600),
Gul Agha Sherzai, Shirzai (appointed for Governor, but refused 200506,
Sayyed Hosayn Anwari (2005-2009),
Ahmad Yussef Nuristani, Nooristani,stepped down as a candidate for 2010 Wolesi Jirga Elections (20090118 - 20100824),
Dr. Daud Shah Saba (20100903 -20130703), stepped down
Sayed Fazal Ullah Wahidi, Waheedi (20130704-20141224) dismissed
acting Governor Herat Assiluddin Jami Asil Din Jami Asiluddin Jami  Aseeludin Jami (20110524, 20120401, 20141227, 20120212)
Mohammad Asif Rahimi (20150427) resigned (20181111)
Dr. Mohayuddin Noori Muhaiuddin Noori acting (20190108)
Abdul Qayum Rahimi (20190124)
Sayed Abdul Wahid Qatali (20200404, 20210614)
Gen Abdul Saboor  Qani (20210615)
Mawlawi Abdul Qayum Ruhani (20210817)
Sheikh Noor Ahmad Islamyar Islamjar (20211028, 20220428, 20230209, 20240329, 20250127)


Deputy Governor:
Assiluddin Jami Asil Din Jami Asiluddin Jami  Aseeludin Jami (20110524, 20120401, 20141227)
Mrs. Monissa Hassanzada Monisa Hassanzada (20190410) 
Ghulam Daud Hashemi Dr. Ghulam Dawood Hashemi (20190704, 20200213)
Noor Ahmad Haidari, deputy governor of Herat (20201202)
Mawlawi Shir Ahmad Amar Mawlawi Shir Ahmad Muhajir (20210925)
Mawlawi Hayatullah Mohajer,
Mawlawi Hayatullah Muhajir Farahi, Deputy Governor of Herat (20241119)

Governor spokesman:
Naqeeb Arween (20090119),
Mohammad Rafi Behrozyan (20101216)
Dr. Mahiudin Nuri Moheeuddin Noori Mohayuddin Noori (20110825, 20190108)
Ehsanullah Hayat (20150717, 20151208)
Jilani Farhad (20170517, 20171019, 20210801)

Herat’s director of information and culture:
Maulana Naeem al-Haq Haqqani (20220316)
Mawlavi Ahmadullah Muttaqi, Director of the provincial information and culture(20240720)

Head of the foreign relations of Herat Province:
Maulvi Sher Ahmad Ammar (20211123, 20221213)

Provincial head for the Ministry for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice:

Azizul Rahman Mohajer Sheikh Aziz-ur-Rahman Mahajer (20221025, 20230603)

Women’s Affairs Department:
Mahboba Jamshidi (20121008)
Anesa Sarwari (20210110)

Provincial environment protection agency chief: 
Abdul Qayum Afghan (20110912)

Head of the Provincial Transport Department of Herat:
Jawid Haimaq Ahmad Javed Aimaq survived an attempt on his life in the province 20110921.(20131110)

Provincial anti-narcotics Department Director: 
Ghulam Jilani Daqiq (20100904, 20110519),

Provincial Director of Works and Social Affairs:
Maulvi Hafez Mirza Abu Muhammad Mansour, head of labor and social affairs of Herat (20221213)
Basira Muhammadi (20101221)
Habibullah Timori Temori (20111214)

Qayoum Afghan, (201711269) Head of Herat Labor, Social Affairs, Martyrs and Disabled department
Mulla Mohammad Sabit, head of the labor and social affairs of Herat (20211024)

Director of technical and professional affairs at the Herat department of labor and social affairs:
Fatima Tokhi (20211024)


Director of Watermanagement Department:
Habibullah Zarwan Zawran, fired due to corruption. Six month later has been appointed as inspection and corruption-control officer for the Eastern Zone at the Supreme Court. (20120219)
Fazil Ahmad Zakir (20110326)

Head of the health department of Herat province:
Dr Abdul Hakim Tamanna (20180804, 20190217, 20200628)

Herat Provincial education director:
Shahabuddin Saqib (20210920)
Ghulam Hazrat Tanha (20100915)
Basir Ahmad (20120703)
Deputy director of the education department:
Aziz Rahman Sarwari (20120424)
Official: Sultan Sabzawari (20120424)
Abdur Raziq Ahmadi (20170129, 20180922)
Rohullah Azhad, holds two master’s degrees one in international relations (IR). (20180923)
Mawlawi Shahabuddin Saqeb, cleric from the largely Pashtun-inhabited Shindand district (20220126)

Director of Mines and Petroleum:
Engineer Abdul Jameel Ilyasi (20150111)

Provincial Chiefengineer for Railways:
Sayed Najib, born 1979) (20110406) 

Head of the attorney office:
Gul Ahmad Ramesh (20110912)

Provincial ANDMA Chief / Disaster and humanitarian affairs director:
Abdul Hamid Mubariz (20111220, 20190417)

Telecommunication and information technology director:
Syed Noor Ahmad Shah Alawi (20130110)

Head of the  Herat High Peace Council:
Maulvi Ghulam Sarwar (20130722)

Population Registration Department Head, Khawaja Hekmatullah Habibi 

Population Registration Department Head:
Khawaja Hekmatullah Habibi (20170621)

Director of Hajj and Religious Affairs:
Syed Abdul Wahid Asemi (20171105)
Syed Mohammad Sherzai (20180905)
Abdul Khaliq Haqqani Abdul Khaleq Haqqani, (202008012, 20200929)

Provincial detention centers’ general director:
Abdullah Azizi (20170122)

Head Provincial Directorate of Refugees and Repatriation (DoRR):
Jawid Nadem (20200421)

Head of Herat Customs:
Yonous Rahnaward (20210121 fired) Rahnaward is said to have been appointed as the head of Herat customs with the financial support of Wolesi Jirga Member Sadiq Qaderi.

Background Herat Province:
Three groups are relevant in Herat: Iran supported Harakat-Islami including schia political parties, Jamiat linked to Ismael Khan (supported by Ex-Police Chief Adeel Juma) and a Karzai supporting Pashtun group led by influential senior Mawlawi Kodaidad

2. Previous Function:
Provincial Governor Herat (20211028)

3. Biodata:
Noor Ahmad Islamjar, Mawlawi Nur Ahmad Islamjar, Sheikh Al-Hadith Mawlana Noor Ahmad Islam Jar,
Sheikh Mawlawi Islam Jar

Last Modified 2025-01-27
Established 2021-09-02