Afghan Biographies

Kargar, Mohammad Fahim

Name Kargar, Mohammad Fahim
Ethnic backgr. Uzbek
Date of birth 1986
Function/Grade Ex Wolesi Jirga chief of staff
History and Biodata

Mohammad Fahim Kargar
Phone: 0799408411
fahim.kargar(at) / fahim.kargar(at)


1. Wolesi Jirga Chief of Staff:
Mohammad Fahim Kargar (2019- 2021 )

2. Previous Functions:
Chief of staff to second secretary of lower house (2005-2009)
Specialist of foreign affairs of office of national security council (ONSC) (2010)
Special assistant to National security adviser (2010-2011)
Chief of staff to office of the National security adviser (2011-2012)
Director of internal security of ONSC (2012-2015)
Director of HR and leadership development to ONSC (2016-2018)
Chief of staff to lower house, Afghan Parliament (2019 - 2021)

3. Biodata:
Mohammad Fahim Karkar, s/o Aqa Mohammad, was born in 1986 in Tawachi village, District of Andkhoy, Faryab Province. He completed his primary education at Abumuslim high school in district of Andkhoy of Faryab province and then studied and completed his higher education in the administrative and diplomacy department of law and political science College in Balkh University on 2004.

He established board members of defenders of freedom of speech during his education (2002-2004). After graduated from faculty he worked as a Chief of staff to second secretary of lower house of Afghanistan up to 2009. Meanwhile he worked more than eight years in the office of national security council (ONSC) in different positions. In addition, now from 2018 to current he has been working as a chief of staff of lower house (Afghan Parliament).

He is not a member of any political party. Kargar regards himself as a proponent of the new generation of Afghanistan who believes in democracy, political pluralism, human rights and gender equality. He is a vindicator of transitional justice and wants the amnesty (proponent to war criminals and violators of human rights) to be quashed.


He is married to MP Mrs Rangina Kargar. They have one son and three daughters.

Kargar speaks Dari, English, Uzbek, Turkey and Pashto.

Last Modified 2022-11-11
Established 2020-05-31