Afghan Biographies

Hayat, Rafi

Name Hayat, Rafi
Ethnic backgr. Pashtun
Date of birth
Function/Grade Ex Mayor
History and Biodata

2. Previous Function:

HM Revenue & Customs (2002 - 2006)

Serious Organised Crime Agency (20116 - 2010)
Assistant Professor Kandahar University (2013 - 20190620)
Kandahar Mayor (20190620)
3. Biodata:
Rafi Hayat went to Albironi Highschool (1993 - 2000). Therafter he studied at Kandahar University and was awarded B.Eng, Civil Engineering (2009 - 2013). He is a Master’s graduate from Asian Instutute of Technology, Urban Environmental Management (UEM, 2018), School of Environment, Resources and Development (SERD) (2016 - 2018)

Last Modified 2022-09-14
Established 2019-09-23