Afghan Biographies

Inami, Abdul Rauf

Name Inami, Abdul Rauf
Ethnic backgr. Tajik
Date of birth 1972
Function/Grade Ex Wolesi Jirga Member 2018 MP MNA Badakhshan
History and Biodata

Abdul Rauf Inami
Phone: 0707483135


2. Previous Functions:
Wolesi Jirga Member 2010 MP MNA Badakshan (20140317)

Wolesi Jirga Seccretary (20151124, 20160312)
Wolesi Jirga Member 2018 MP MNA Badakshan

3. Biodata:

Abdul Raouf Enamy Adbul Rauf Inamy Abdul Rauf Enaami, son of Sayed Anamy was born in 1972 at Badakhshan province. Education degree: Baccalaureate

Work experience:  Clerk over 6 years in rural, rehabilitation and development  department in Badakhshan province and two years as a clerk for attorney office over there.


Commission: member of justice and judgment affairs, reforms and counter against corruption commission.


Currently he lives in Kabul.


Inami was re-elected as Wolesi Jirga Secretary. Inami  obtained 117 votes from the 220 lawmakers present.

Abdul Rauf Enami secured 7,392 votes in Wolesi Jirga Election and got a seat in WJ 2018.


Inami who obtained 117 votes from the 220 lawmakers present. - See more at:

Marital state: married

Last Modified 2019-04-14
Established 2016-05-31