History and Biodata |
Dehsabz – Barikab City Development Authority (DCDA)
CEO of Dehsabz - Barikab City Development Authority (DCDA):
Gholam Sachi Hassanzadah
Independent Board of Kabul New City Development (KNC)
deputy chief (KNC): Engineer Elham Omar Hotaki (20141225)
Founding Members of The Independent Board for Kabul New City Development
Prof. M. Ishaq Nadiri, Jay Gold Professor of Economics; Chairman of the Board
H.E. M.Y. Pashtun, Senior Technical Advisor to the President of IRA, Founding Member
Mr. Ubaidullah Rameen, Member of Parliament of IRA, Founding Member
Dipl.Ing.(VDI) Gholam Sachi Hassanzadah, CEO of Dehsabz-Barikab City Development Authority, Founding Member
Urban Planning Specilaists, 2 Members
Financial Specialist, 1 Member
Private Sector Representatives, 2 Members
Members of The Independent Board for Kabul New City Development
H.E. Mohammad Yousef Pashtun, Senior Advisor to President and Urban Planning Specialist – Chairman of the Board
Prof. M. Ishaq Nadiri, Jay Gold Professor of Economics - Founder Member
Mr. Mohammad Asif Rahimi, Minister of Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock (MAIL) - Member
Dr. Hassan Abdulhai, Minister of Urban Development Affairs (MUDA) - Member
Mr. Hazrat Omar Zakhilwal, Minister of Finance (MoF) – Member
Mr. Abdul Hadi Arghandiwal, Minister of Economy – Member
Mr. Mohammad Umer Daudzai, Minister of Interior - Member
Mr. Muhammad Yunus Nawandish, Kabul Mayor - Member
Mr. Gholam Sachi Hassanzadah, CEO of Dehsabz - Barikab City Development Authority (DCDA) - Member
Mr. Abdul Khaliq Farahi, Director General of Independent Directorate of Local Governance - Member
Mr. Mohammad Qurban Haqjo, CEO of Afghanistan Chamber of Commerce & Industries (ACCI) and Private Sector Representative - Member
Urban Planning Specialist – Member
Financial Advisor – Member
Senior Advisors to the Board
Dr. Mohammad Mustafa Mastoor Deputy Minister for Finance
Mr. Noorullah Delawari, Governor of Da Afghanistan Bank
Mr. Mahmoud Saikal (MAInterDev, BArch & BAEnvDes), International Development Specialist
Dr. Abdul Raziq Samadi, CEO of Da Afghanistan Brishna Sherkat
Professor Jon Lang, Urban Planning Specialist (Australia)
Ms. Anne Frey, Urban Planning Specialist (USA)
Dr. Abdul Rahman Ashraf, Mines Specialist and Afghanistan Ambassador in Germany
Development Background
After 2002, the new geo-political dynamics and its subsequent business opportunities, rapid urban population growth and emergence of high unemployment, triggered the planning of urban extension towards the immediate north of Kabul, in the form of a new city. The Government of Afghanistan established the Afghanistan National Development Strategy (ANDS) for the coming five years as part of its efforts to secure continued understanding and support from the International society for sustainable development. The ANDS is supported by three main pillars of Security, governance and socio-economic development with eight pillars:
1. Infrastructure and natural resources
2. Agriculture and rural development
3. Human capital and gender equity
4. Social protection
5. Economic governance and private sector development
6. International and regional cooperation
7. Good governance and rule of law
8. Security
All the above objectives of the ANDS has been addressed through the planning of the Kabul New City as a viable and sustainable concept to enable growth and economic prosperity on the local, national and regional basis.
Urban development is an important issue in the strategy for infrastructure and natural resources together with transport, water resources and sustainable and quality energy resources and supply for the residents and businesses.
As part of efforts to deal with the urban problems in Kabul, the development of a new city in Dehsabz has been contemplated as mentioned in the ANDS. The Government of Afghanistan has requested the Government of Japan for technical cooperation to develop a Master Plan for the Kabul city with the new city as an important means to guide the future urbanization in the Kabul Metropolitan Area (KMA). In response, the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)-the official agency responsible for the implementation of the technical cooperation program of the Government of Japan, decided to conduct a study to examine the strategy and directions for urban development in Kabul Metropolitan Area (KMA) and to prepare a Master Plan for further design and implementation.
Development background at a Glance:

The Master Plan - Strategic Plan
The Kabul New City, approximately 1.5 times larger than the existing Kabul City, is strategically placed between Bagram Airbase and Kabul International Airport. It is mainly located in the province of Kabul and occupies a small area from Parwan province. The site is surrounded by Khwaja Rawash, Safi and Marko Mountains.
The Kabul New City includes Dehsabz District, and some villages of Shakardara, Mirbachakot, Qarabagh and Kalakan Districts. The District of Barikab to the immediate north of Dehsabz, forms the Agricultural Economic Zone of the New City.
Current population of Kabul is estimated to be well above four million people. It is estimated that Kabul population will rise to eight million people by 2025. According to a comprehensive water study by JICA team, existing underground water availability in Kabul city is to the tune of 166 million cubic meters per year which suffices for only five million people with an average of 90 liters per person per day(instead of international standard of 120-150 liters per person per day). Therefore, it is crucial to cater the water needs of the extra three million people through other means. The site for the new city can take a maximum of three million people and utilizes the water of a different basin, namely Sayaad Fan Aquifer.
Other major problems resulting from rapid population growth includes very high unemployment rate, housing crisis, and lack of proper infrastructure and pollution of all sorts. The New City project generates hundreds of thousands of skilled and unskilled jobs on temporary and permanent basis, provides around 250,000 housing units, improves the infrastructure of greater Kabul and lessens pollution through eco-system measures. It also plays an important role in keeping a stable economic growth in the country.
The project, therefore, is the biggest development initiative of Afghanistan which enjoys the full support of Afghan Government, Parliament, private sector and civil society.
Without this project, the current problems facing Kabul will only worsen. Living conditions will deteriorate beyond the tolerance level. With inadequate and unplanned urban infrastructure and social services, informal housing areas will spread. Serious traffic congestion, high crime, unsanitary conditions, and acute water shortages will plague all the citizens who live and work in Kabul.
Role of Stakeholders
While the main implementing agency of land and primary/secondary infrastructure development for the New City is DCDA, the private sector and national/foreign investors will engage in development of tertiary infrastructure, urban development with housing and building construction through leases, sales and PPP (Public Private Partnership) arrangements.
The DCDA is established to create a pro-business environment with legislation favorable to private investors. As a single regulatory and management authority, it supervises the project, and facilitates the land clearance process, and builds the basic infrastructure of the city. Private investors, interested in the development of different parts of the city through competitive means, will only deal with DCDA as a one-stop shop.
According to the Master Plan, Private Sector shares around 70% financial needs of the New City Development. Also investment from the Afghan Government and Donors will be channeled through private sector contractors in different sectors such as roads, power, water etc....
Development Process
The stage one of Master Plan shall be implemented upon cleared land and certain other conditions in the following three phases over 15 years:
Phase-I: 2010-2015
Phase-II: 2016-2020
Phase-III: 2021-2025

The priority projects of Phase 1 include:
Development of approximately 80,000 housing units to accommodate 400,000 people in Dehsabz South. The urban structure plan for this phase is already complete. Within the Phase-I area, the procurement and negotiation process for the development of Parcels 1 & 2, accommodating a total of about 58’000 housing units with some commercial, light-industrial and public facilities was launched in early 2012.
Development of One-Third area of Barikab Agricultural Economic Zone, which covers approximately 33 km².
Development of Main Infrastructure to the entire New City, including water, electricity and transportation.
Preservation of existing villages within Kabul New City Master Plan area, development of Central Park, Greenbelt and other supportive projects.
Planning & Design of Phases II and Phase III.
Development of Industrial Parks
Development of parcels on governmental lands
The implementation of the above projects is expected to take place mostly through competitive tendering and contracting in conformity with the applicable Laws of Afghanistan and International regulations. Bidders are expected to submit their proposals in compliance with DCDA’s legislation, approved master plan, Phase 1 Structure Plan, Phase 1 Concept Developmental Plan, Urban Development Guidelines and Interim Building Code.