Yousef A. Hayat
Phone: +93 791.78.6000 | Skype: mrhayat1
Head Office Address: 3rd Street, Project Taimany 2nd Floor, Kabul-Afghanistan
2. Previous Functions of Yousef Jawid Hayat: Deputy/Vice President of Mortgage and Lending Dept. San Diego National Bank in San Diego, California, USA, (20070100-20100100) Bakhtar Bank CEO (20091200-20120300) which is a 100% subsidiary of Azizi Bank. President and CEO of Ghazanfar Bank (20120100-20121000) President and CEO of Mutahid DFI- MISFA (20121100- )
3. Biodata:
Yousef Jawid Hayat Yousef A. Hayat was born 1974 in Kabul, Afghanistan and left Afghanistan as a toddler in the early 80th after the Russian’s invasion and migrated with his family to India and one year later to California-USA. Here he went to school and university and later earned his master’s degree in financial management and an MBA in financial marketing from San Diego State and National University (2002-2004) and California State University CA-USA, Before returning to Afghanistan and joining Bakhtar Bank (20091200) he worked as a Deputy/Vice President of Mortgage and Lending with San Diego National Bank, California- USA. Bakhtar Bank is one of few profitable banks in Afghanistan with highest CAMEL RATING among 17 banks in Afghanistan. From Nov 2012 to present he is the President and CEO of Mutahid DFI- MISFA managing over 200 million USD funds donated by Worldbank/USAID/MEDA.(20130307)
He does not belong to any political party.
Hayat is not married and speaks English, limited Spanish , Urdu, Dari and Pashtu.
Background: San Diego National Bank operated as a subsidiary of FBOP Corporation which was closed in 2009. FBOP's 9 banks - among them San Diego National Bank - were acquired by US Bancorp on the day of closure. |