History and Biodata |
3. Biodata
Sardar Homayon Shah Asifi was born in Kabul, in 1939. His father was Prince Sardar Ahmad Shah Khan, King Zahir Shah’s Wazir-i-Darbar (Royal Court Minister). After graduating from Isteqlaal High school, in 1958, he attended the Kabul University Law School. Two years into his law school education, he was awarded with a scholarship to study Law in France. In France, he attended a in the city of Dijon. In 1966, after receiving his degree in Law, Mr. Asifi attended The Institute of Political Studies in Paris , which has International recognition.
This Institute scholars and potential high level diplomats and government official from around the world. In 1969, he received his degree , in International Affairs, from the above mentioned Institute. From 1970 to 1972, Mr.Asifi prepared his scholarly research and Doctoral degree thesis, in Islam and the political life in Afghanistan and the 1963 Constitution of Afghanistan. The first thesis was approved by the Dijon University and published in the University Press for academic studies.
Mr.Asifi worked in the Afghanistan foreign ministry from 1972-1977 where he served initially as the head of the International Conference office, and later as the head of the United Nations office, and other responsibilities in the sections such as Human Rights. Eventually, he had the responsibility for the political Affairs, in Afghanistan embassy in Germany until April 27th of 1977.
After the change in the regime, in 1977, he obtained political asylum in Germany.
Although no longer employed at the foreign ministry of the New Leftist regime, Mr.Asifi used his diplomatic skills and scholarly skills to join the struggle against the Soviet aggression in Afghanistan. Mr. Asifi joined the Afghanistan Information Center where he officially began his opposition to the new regime. The Afghanistan Information Center was an independent foundation interested in gathering true information about the atrocities and the destruction committed by the Soviet Red Army in Afghanistan.
In 1991, Mr.Asifi and his family left France and decided to return back to Afghanistan. However, due to the harsh political and security conditions in Afghanistan, he had to settle in Pakistan. At this time he was the member of the council that was selecting the President of Afghanistan Islamic Republic. In 1992, he had travelled to Europe and the United States (including United Nations Assembly) as the special representative of the President of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan (President Rabbani).
From 1992-1993, he was consulting with several non-governmental agencies. In addition, Mr.Asifi served as a consultant to Mahmood Misteeri, United Nations special envoy in Afghanistan. In 1996, Mr. Asifi returned to France when the Taliban government took over in Afghanistan. He returned to France and served as a Law consultant to several French companies. Mr.Asifi opposed the oppressive regime of Taliban and started a new struggle for his country and his people.
In 2001, Mr.Asifi returned to his country and participated in the emergent Grand Assembly (Loya Jirga). He played an important role in the creation of a new political party called Tahreek-i- Wahdat-i-Milli and one of the founders of Threek-i- Taffahum-I Milli. Sardaar Homayon Shah Asifi was selected by Dr.Abdullah as his first Vice-Presidential candidate in 2009 presidential elections in Afghanistan. |