History and Biodata |
2. Previous Functions of Major General Sayed Abdul Ghafar Sayed Zadah: 2004-2006 served as CID chief of Kandahar province, and investigation assistant of police head quarter... 2006-2007 served as senior collaborator and senior adviser of Minister of interior affair of Afghanistan.. 2007-2009 served as police chief of Nangarhar province with a lots of achievements and struggle against the cultivation of poppy, Drug and Narcotic process and production fabrics , national and international Mafia, and Criminals ..... Feb-2009 assigned as CID chief of Kabul ANP Criminal Investigation Department, Ministry of Interior Counterterrorism department Head MoI Director General of Kabul Branch Police (20120109 - 20120806) Provincial Police Commanders Herat ANP (20120807 - 20130200 ) fired
3. Biodata:
Major General Sayed Abdul Ghafar Sayedzada Sayed Zadah was born 19560910 and is a real patriotic, honest , brave and pride Afghan Major General, who is known as (police foster) throughout Afghanistan , served more than 30 years of his life in police duty around the Afghanistan in various position with high quality, honesty and hard working to extirpate and wash out the crime and racial problems from people's mind. June-2010 he was granted and awarded Major General rank by proposal of minister of interior of Afghanistan and approval of president Hamid Karzai.
General Sayed Zadah has written a book, (POLICE YA TABIBE AMRAZ-E-EJTIMAYEE) or (police, the source of social problem and disease), along with innumerable strategies like (how to cope with narcotic) and many topics and guidelines to CID police and anti narcotic police of interior ministry. Background: The number of civil order police (COP) will be increased to 25,000 next year (2012) to replace guards at private security firms, the Ministry of Interior said on Tuesday. The new recruits will come from four zones of the country to boost numbers from 8,000 to 25,000, head of the counterterrorism department at the ministry, Maj. Gen, Sayed Abdul Ghafar Sayedzada said. Up to 1,500 guards of the closed private security companies have approached the police with 1,200 of them recruited.
Maj. Gen. Syed Abdul Ghafar Syedzada was posted as Director General of Kabul Branch Police. The MoI said a reshuffle involving 24 senior police officials had been ordered after approval from President Hamid Karzai.(20120109)
President Karzai directed Syed Abdul Ghafar -- an experienced police officer who has been named as the new police chief for Herat -- to ensure better security in the province and punish the elements behind the unrest.(20120807) |